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Experience a revelation in natural skincare with this Hemani pomegranate oil.Pomegranate oil is rich in antioxidants, anti-aging and cell-renewal properties. These have a number of benefits for the face, body and hair, helping to rejuvenate and protect them against the harmful effects of pollution, smoking, stress and UV rays.


Pomegranate seed oil is extremely nutritious and rich, which is used internally and externally for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The regenerative properties of pomegranate oil make it an indispensable ingredient in many skin care products. It is included in most cosmetics formulas like soap, shower gels, massage oils, moisturizer and other skin care products. It is also used as a vaporizer and a diffuser. It is mainly composed of Sabinene, Mycenae, Limonene, Alpha Pinene and Terpinenol.

Pomegranates have been used throughout history for their many benefits, and the fruit is even mentioned in the Bible as one of the food that heals.The seeds, which are the edible parts inside the pomegranate, are what’s used to produced the oil, which is highly prized for its powerful flavonoids and punicic acid that contribute to its many nutritional benefits. The seeds also contain a good amount of vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, vitamin B6 and phosphorus too. Pomegranate seed oil stimulates “keratinocytes”, major cells found in the outer layer of the skin. This helps to reverse skin damage, revive skin and reveal a more youthful appearance.

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