Avila Natural Moringa Soap contains vitamin a, b, c, d. The soap is made with the leaf powder which supplies immense benefits to the skin. Moringa soap makes it healthy and helps bring back balance to natural skin color and tone. It also cleanses and detoxifies the skin. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, protects the skin from the environment and prevents premature ageing of the skin. Because its rich in vitamin A and c, that whitens the skin as well as unsaturated fatty acids that keep skin soft even, daily use encourages healthier looking young and radiant skin.Avila moringa soap is 100 percent natural handmade soap no chemical used, No food color used, No AS or LAS mineral oil- No additive.We have created this pure hand made soap with the powder, honey and the moringa oil, 100% Natural and effective in the treatment of acne, When used regularly. Moringa oil absorbs easily into the skin, improving the appearance and radiance of skin. It has skin healthy nutrients like vitamin A, which helps build collagen in the skin, vitamin C to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and the healing and anti-inflammatory benefits of vitamin E. Moringa also helps clear blackheads and pimples. When used regularly helps prevent the re-occurrence of blemishes. The leaves of the moringa plant are full of zinc and iron, helping the skin fight bacteria and fungi. It helps to exfoliate and rid your skin of toxins. Removes impurities from the skin and aids in the production of collagen and elastin which improves skin elasticity.The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the soap work to remove built-up oils and dirt. 100% Natural Soap,Great for skin, Moringa is high in antioxidants, Unscented, Good Lather, Rinses Clean100% Natural Soap, Natural anti-bacterial agent, Vitamin E to moisturize and revitalize your skin cells,When used regularly, is effective in the treatment of acne. Pure Honey soap, moringa oil soap, exfoliate soap, skin care soap, dark spot removerHelps improve Skin, heal skin, removes dark spots, prevents Acne, Anti-Aging, Raw Moringa leaves, Moringa extract, root, essential oils,Green moringa soap, vitamin E soap, Chemical free, Skin friendly product.